eighth cranial nerve造句
- These impulses travel along the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve to the vestibular nuclei in the brainstem.
- Tinnitus ( a hearing impairment ), rashes, eighth cranial nerve, resulting in confusion, delirium and coma.
- In September 2006, Knox suffered a head injury during a match in Germany, and was diagnosed with possible damage to her eighth cranial nerve.
- The receptor cells located in the semicircular ducts are innervated by the eighth cranial nerve, aka vestibulocochlear nerve ( more specifically the vestibular portion ).
- 1 ) Electrophysiological recordings from the eighth cranial nerve of males and females reveal that primary auditory neurons of the two sexes are maximally excited by different frequencies.
- Kanamycin requires close clinical supervision because of its potential toxicity and adverse side effects to the auditory and vestibular branches of the eighth cranial nerve and to the renal tubules.
- Fisch and Ruben were the first to record the compound action potentials from both the round window and the eighth cranial nerve ( CN VIII ) in cats and mice.
- The "'vestibulocochlear nerve "'( "'auditory vestibular nerve "'), known as the eighth cranial nerve, transmits sound and equilibrium ( balance ) information from the inner ear to the brain.
- It's difficult to see eighth cranial nerve in a sentence. 用eighth cranial nerve造句挺难的
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